Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hi All!

With the hot weather there have been some concerns on what is appropriate (or not appropriate) to wear in the meetings so I thought I’d address this concern.

I remember back when I started working for Weight Watchers (almost 15 years ago) that we had to wear stockings in the summer with our sandals! YIKES, well we’ve come a long way baby…. bottom line is that we want to always have that “business to business casual” look going on. Some items we should not be wearing in the meeting rooms are shorts, strap tops, midriffs or spaghetti strap sundresses (with a sweater over is fine). Also, sometimes when it is soooo hot the last thing we want to do is wear make up; however, we are role models and know that our members want to be and look like us. So with this in mind, before you leave for your meetings, look in the mirror and ask, “mirror mirror on the wall how do I want to be remembered , if at all?” Okay - a little corny – I think you ladies get what I mean and guys you know I’m not asking you to put on lipstick right? Staying and looking cool is the idea!

As you might remember from last month’s edition I asked to hear from you and “brag” about what’s happening in your meeting rooms so we could spread the news on how you’re keeping your members coming back week after week. So here’s the new segment:

I'd like to be the first to brag about an amazing team I had the pleasure of spending a morning with!

There is no wonder why their members are returning week after week. Not only do they ooze the Service Vision by welcoming each member as if they were each a friend walking in - but their efficiency makes the processing at the desk flow so effortlessly. Every week this team picks a unified task – this week’s task was for each of them to entice every member to stay for the meeting – if the member couldn’t they would – at that moment – print an address label, put it on a miss you card and after the meeting, write on the card “Sorry you stay for the meeting, have an amazing week!” What a terrific idea ! Thank you ladies for not only making your members’ experience a terrific one but collaborating every week as to how you can keep your members coming back week after week!

I know Jackie gave Kudos to all of our wonderful CHAMP MENTORS but I'd like to brag again about them. These ladies not only have spent endless amounts of hours prepping to make this training run as smoothly as possible but have shown nothing but the Service Vision to all confirming what Jackie and I already know - our territory is the Heart of NJ! Special thanks to the following AMAZING mentors - we couldn't have done this without you!!! Mary our Mentor of Mentors and our CHAMP Guru!!, Julie G, Fran G, Terry M, Joyce H, Bev K, Lois W, Pat S, Denise P, Margie M, and Pat G. You're the best!!!!!

Hugs to All,

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